Thursday, January 18, 2018

Clocking up the miles for REDJanuary

There's a special atmosphere in the twilight hours.

RED January
DAY 17: 10k (6.3m)

JUST  over half way through the REDJanuary challenge now, and it's surprising how quickly the days are passing.

REDJanuary is about getting out every single day of the month and engaging in some physical activity (running, walking etc) to raise funds for Mind, the mental health charity.

Initially the task seemed daunting - and committing to some activity every day seemed almost impossible.

You can't escape the fact that there are difficulties fitting the time in around work commitments.

But, it seems, it can be done.
Love the shapes in low light.

Despite the aches and pains, it's become a daily habit.

In order to reach my 150-mile goal at the weekend, I have to complete eight miles a day for the next four days (including today). Not quite sure how that will be achieved - but am working on it!

Of course, this goal is self-inflicted! There's no set mileage to complete for REDJanuary, but it's good to have something to strive for.

I'm intending to extend the REDJanuary 'habit' and participate in the wonderful NHS1000 milefor 2018, where you 'donate' 1000 miles of activity to the NHS.

You can walk it, run it, cycle it, swim it - even hop or crawl it, I suppose, if you felt so inclined.

It's to celebrate the 70th anniversary of our amazing NHS - and you make a 'gift' of your health by committing to 1,000 miles of activity over the course of the year. What a great idea!

Not only will it benefit the individual, but collectively it will be a massive health boost! Imagine how much cost and stress on the NHS could be eased if people were generally healthier.

So, yep, you can count me in on that!

In the meantime, however, there's the small task of fitting in a few miles each day to reach my current REDJanuary goal for this weekend.

Quick! Where did I put those running shoes?

A massive thanks to those who have already donated.

If you'd also like to donate to Mind as part of the REDJanuary, please visit my JustGiving page HERE.

Thank you

Beautiful trees in the park.

Delicate patterns in the mist.

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