Sunday, January 05, 2014

New route gets off to a wobbly start

THERE was the sparkle of frost when I set out this morning. Car roofs had those beautiful leafy swirls in icy white, and the windows looked sugar-coated. There was a refreshing nip in the air. All very nice and sort of crisply romantic, until you realise your mind’s wandering (as it does!) and step on to a slippy bit! Fortunately, I didn’t quite take a tumble – but the weird dance with waving arms and wobbly legs as I tried to hold my balance was not exactly the way to enhance any street cred.

It’s been pouring with rain ever since, so in some places the frost has morphed to almost lake-sized puddles. It's still battering the window now, at nearly 11pm.

I’ve been trying out some shorter routes lately. It’s useful to have a range of different walks, so that you can pick and choose to suit your situation. Sometimes you might just not be in the mood; on other occasions, you might be pressed for time. But if you have something that’s manageable, so you can at least get out and get moving, then that helps motivation as well as gives you exercise.

This morning’s route around residential streets turned out to be about 15 minutes – a little over a mile. Just what’s needed!  I have some longer routes of five miles or so, but obviously they take longer (especially if you build in warm-up and cool-down exercises – which are important).

If you have a lot on,  10 or 15 minutes isn’t too much to set aside, but is enough for you to clear the cobwebs and enjoy the benefits of a bit of fresh air and exercise – providing you don’t attempt a strange and frantic dance in the sugary frost before you even start!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Wet beginning after spectacular welcome

WELL, what a wet start to the year. I woke thinking how could I not go for a walk on New Year’s Day?  . . . and then looked out of the window! Thankfully, where I live, we’re not as badly affected as in some parts, but it was still not exactly an inspiring prospect, with buffeting winds, determined rain and sky a heavy, unvarying grey! A stark contrast to the kaleidoscopic excitement setting the heavens alight in celebration only the evening before.

We'd welcomed in the New Year with Jules Holland's traditional music bash on the telly, and watched the spectacular fireworks (click here for the London display, here for Sydney and here for a quick round-up from around the world). Hey, peach-flavoured snow and edible banana confetti in London as part of the multi-sensory experience, eh? What a sign of the times! Rather different to a lump of coal - and tastier!

Even with the unfriendly weather, I decided to brave the elements. I thought it would give me the chance to try out a shorter route that I could add to my 'menu.' I drove to our nearby park (I normally walk) and took one or two photos. In the back of my mind, I'd thought about possibly tackling a longer route while there. There were a few walkers - some with dogs - and hardy joggers, but I was pretty cold and wet even after just a few minutes, so gave up on that idea.

Wet welcome to the park.

I returned home and instead tried the shorter route 'around the block.' It took just under nine minutes and burnt off two carrots' worth of energy. A wee bit short, really, but still a walk. Perhaps I should have measured the energy level in edible confetti - might have sounded a bit more impressive.

Mind you, I think I'll have my walking endeavours cut out this year. Among the gifts I've received are the Wild Guide to Devon, Cornwall and the South West (from a friend) and the AA's 30 Walks in Warwickshire and the West Midlands (from one of our children). Is someone dropping a hint?

One or two walks to tackle in 2014!

Hope you've all had a delightful Christmas and have made a cheerful - though hopefully not too wet - start to the New Year. Best Wishes for 2014!

All that water makes it look as if this
willow really is having a good weep!
Watch the puddles! Some brave souls (below)
defy the elements to take a walk in the park.